
Hart weekly flyers

Currently, there is no weekly flyer available for Hart

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Hart discount tips

Weekly Ad

Every week, Hart shares a brand new flyer with interesting info for all of its customers. These flyers often contain details about great savings you can find in your local Hart store, such as reductions on products like home decor items, bedding and bathroom products, household storage, kids' toys, and more. Reading through the Hart flyer is a terrific way to keep yourself informed about Hart’s deals and discounts, and you can find a digital version of the flyer right here at 1flyers.com.


As well as the Hart flyer, you can also sign up to receive Hart email newsletters that will keep you informed about exclusive offers, new product launches, upcoming sales events, and more. How to sign up? It's simple! Just head to the Hart website and scroll down. Near the bottom of the page, you'll see a subscription box and button. Type your email address into the box provided and click Subscribe. You'll receive a 10% welcome bonus coupon code to get started, and your first email newsletter should arrive within a few days, too.

Weekly Promotions

One of the ways that Hart continues to attract so many customers and stands out as such a great place to shop is through its many weekly and monthly promotions. This store cuts the costs of many different products on a regular basis, including decorative items like mirrors, functional kitchen accessories, handy storage solutions for your home, and plenty more. To find out about new promos and sales at Hart, just click on the Sale or Clearance section of the website, or read through the latest Hart flyer.

Hart Points

Looking for another great way to get the best prices when you shop at Hart? If so, you should consider signing up for the Hart Points rewards program. This loyalty card program is available exclusively for Hart customers, and once you’ve got a Hart Points card, you’ll be able to earn a point for every single dollar you spend. Every 250 points you earn gives you $5 off your next purchase, and you can get a sign up bonus with free points by joining the program today.

Own Brands

You can find a really wide selection of goods in a typical Hart store, including products from many different brands and designers. Some of the many brand names featured in Hart stores include Lauren Taylor, Massimo, A La Cuisine, Borne, Leap Frog, and Kodiak. Hart also sells some of its own store brand products in various categories.

Sunday Shopping

If you’re busy in the week, you might like to do your shopping at stores like Hart on Sundays. But is Hart open on Sundays? And what time does Hart close on Sundays? Well, we get asked these questions often, and the answer is that it depends. Hart stores generally follow the same schedule, but the specific Sunday opening hours of one store might be slightly different to the next. For that reason, we recommend using the Hart website to find your nearest store and see exactly when it opens on Sundays.


Hart is a brand with a lot of history behind it, having been founded way back in 1960 by Harry Hart. The first store was opened by Mr. Hart himself to serve the local community of Rosemere, and since then, the Hart brand has grown and evolved enormously, spreading across Canada and leading to over 80 different stores. More stores are set to open in the months ahead as Hart continues to grow further. Many of these stores are very large, with lots of products and plenty of aisles to explore. Use the Hart website to locate your closest store and see when it opens and how to get there.

Popular Products

What sort of items are on sale at Hart? Well, part of what makes this store so special and popular is its variety. You can find all kinds of interesting items for sale at your local Hart, including apparel for me, women, and children, household storage items, electronics, toys for kids, kitchen products like cookware and utensils, bedding, bathroom items, decorative items for every room in the house, and furniture, too.

Opening Hours

Want to find out when your local Hart store opens up for business? It’s always a smart idea to check when your local stores open up before visiting them to avoid any issues and to make sure you don’t arrive too early or too late. Fortunately, the Hart website makes it really easy to find your nearest store and discover its precise, up to date opening times in just a few quick clicks.


Working at a big store like Hart is a great way to learn new skills and take your career in a new direction, and since this is such a big and successful chain, there are always job opportunities to be found in Hart stores or with the Hart company in other ways. Roles available can include store clerks, cashiers, managers, logistics and distribution experts, delivery drivers, HR personnel, and so on. Contact your local store or visit the Hart website to find out more.